
The Bene Israel of India
Haham dr. P. Toledano

Fountain of Blessings, Mekor Haberakha: A Concise Code of Jewish Law, a Comprehensive Guide to Jewish Living, 4 volumes
Haham dr. P. Toledano

Berit Shalom, Rabbinical Responsa, 3 volumes
Haham dr. P. Toledano

Rina uTfilah, Code of Jewish Law
Rabbi Baruch Abraham Toledano, edited and annotated by Haham dr. P. Toledano

Sha’alouh le’Baruch, 5 volumes
Rabbi Baruch Abraham Toledano, edited and annotated by Haham dr. P. Toledano

A series of articles covering the Golden Age in Spain

Pesach Haggadah Commentary

Home Ceremonies, an overview of the rituals and customs within the home, from Shabbat songs, Kiddush, holidays through the laws of mourning

Haye Olam, covers the rituals and customs during the mourning period
Translated into French as La Vie Eternelle, and into English as Everlasting Life


Haham Toledano’s publications can be ordered through the office of the synagogue;  a small collection can be purchased online.