Jom Kippur at the Esnoga

The services in the Esnoga take place every year on Kal Nidre and is known around the globe for its Portuguese melodies, the men with their top hats, the hundreds of candles that illuminate the sanctuary. That special atmosphere will take you to Spain and Portugal from centuries ago.

Tickets are available for non-members of the Portuguese Jewish Community for Jom Kippur
(admission is free for members of the Portuguese Jewish Community). The price is € 25,- per person. To buy, please order here or purchase at the synagogue ticket desk or at the ticket desk of the Jewish Historical Museum during regular opening hours.
Registration (required) via

Kal Nidre starts at 7:25 pm.
Please ensure that you are well on time. All visitors are subject to a security check at the door.
A separate area is available for children.

Zemirot is at 9.00 am, Mincha is at 4.40 pm and Nengila at 7.15 p.m. The fast ends at 8:31 pm.
Tizku LeShanim Rabot, may the New Year bring peace and health for al.

Parnassim of the Portuguese Jewish Community

For more information contact the Portuguese Jewish Community e-mail:
We shall be holding our High Holiday services as usual in Amsterdam.
For details of Rosh Hashanah and Succoth services please contact

Times and tickets:
Place: Portuguese Synagogue, Mr. Visserplein 3
Time: Open at September 9th at 6.30 pm, Kal Nidre 7:25 pm
Registration (required):
ID / Passport: required at the entrance
Seating: No seat reservations
Ticket: € 25,-. No discounts. Children under 18 free.

Three ticketing options:
1. Buy online e-tickets here. Please print your ticket and show this at the door.
2. Purchase during regular opening hours at the Portuguese Synagogue and the Jewish Historical Museum
3. Last minute September 18th: Purchase at the Portuguese Synagogue until 1:00 pm or at the Jewish Historical Museum until 5:00 pm.